VCG Frequently Asked Questions
Who is eligible to participate in the VCGSIA?
Retailers, wholesalers and low risk service providers that meet the underwriting guidelines.
What if I currently have Workers Comp Insurance?
If you wish you can wait until your insurance expires and join VCGSIA at that time. If the discount savings and the potential dividends are sufficient to offset any possible short rate cancellation penalty, you may elect to join the Group immediately.
Will I know what claims are being paid?
If you have claims you will receive quarterly loss runs so you can “ride herd” on claims and any potential claims abuse within your own firm.
Is there a safety program to help me control my costs?
Yes. There is an outstanding loss control program provided by Landin, Inc, the service company, including visits by safety consultants and special help for safety problems unique to your business.
Are refunds guaranteed?
No. Neither your present insurance carrier nor the VCGSIA can guarantee a refund. However, based on past experience, members of the Group may earn generous refunds. The VCGSIA calculates your refund on the groups’ overall profitability and your individual loss record.
How soon after the close of each plan year are refunds sent to members?
Immediately upon approval of our refund filing with the Bureau of Insurance.